Tuesday, January 22, 2008

VA Trip Today

Jerry, Matt, and I went to Evansville for another VA appointment for Jerry. He has to go every couple of weeks to get his cumidin(sp) levels checked. It was kind of nasty when we started out and it snowed on us just a bit but it wasn't bad. We ate at the great new place called Stoll's. It's an Amish buffet and boy was it good. It was nice homemade food just like your Mom or Grandma would make. Of course we all ate too much like always :) Actually we are trying to do better in that department but it isn't easy. Especially when you are 6'3" or 6'2" like Jerry and Matt :) They can eat a LOT! Ugh, so can I for that matter, but I am trying to change that. Well everyone is crashed now except me so I think it may be time for a nap too :) Later!

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