Thursday, January 17, 2008


Even though we didn't get enough snow to make one outside I thought I would show off one of the ones I made. I made this as a Christmas gift but I ended up selling it. The receptionist at the Diabetes Education Center where I go loves snowmen so I took this to show her and she ended up buying it, which was good because it was extra cash for Christmas, but it was bad because I ended up having to scramble to make another one in time for the holidays. It all worked out though. Isn't he cute? I made it with my Knifty Knitter round loom set. I really like them. I have also made a pair of wristers but don't have a pic yet. I will soon though.

1 comment:

smr61754 said...

Hi, Stacy! Your snowman is cute. I have seen that pattern but I have yet to try it. If you have all the sizes of Knifty Knitters, you could make a whole snowman family!

Blogs are fun...good luck with yours!
